Terms & Conditions
1.1 In order for a place to be kept open for your child in our classes, payment is required monthly by subscription.
1.2 The system we use is ClassForKids. All registrations and payments are set up through our website which links to this system. We do still accept cash, cheque and monthly BACS payments.
1.3 We reserve the right to make changes to these amounts if necessary. In this case, you will be given notice via email prior to collection.
1.4 Fees are reviewed annually.
1.5 Payment will be taken from the account you specify on 1st of every month. Failure to make payments on time may result losing your place in chosen class(es). If you are having trouble paying, please speak to a member of our team and we will do our best to help.
1.6 Prices are based on 38 weeks’ worth of classes and pro-rated over 12 months.
1.7 The subscription system ensures everyone pays on time. If a payment fails, it will retry again on the 5th of every month.
1.8 Fees and event payments are non-refundable. All unattended lessons are still payable. If a student has a medical note for a long-term injury/illness, we will reconsider the refund policy. If we cancel a class on our terms, we will endeavour to make up the class otherwise we will issue a refund.
1.9 Should your child wish to cancel one of their classes, we now require one month’s written notice via email. (info@avenuedancecompany.co.uk).